If you are into sports uniforms (tennis in this case, mostly) and voluminous heroines just get this and don't look back.
One of the best sports oriented nukiges out there, and in my opinion one of the best works of the artist (Kaneshiro Wataru).
Most stuff takes place after or while the heroines are training so expect a lot of court action and some encounters in the locker room.
There are no dark situations, and everything is consensual, the most outlandish thing is that two of the heroines are relatives to the protagonist (which is just a trope at this point) and this relationship develops toward some lighthearted rivalry between the two of them.
There is also a teacher from the academy and one senior tennis player, Karen who is a gyaru.
The tags don't lie, and you get what you wish for with this types of heroines. Also the climaxes in the CG are something else, and worth the price of admission alone if you like seeing more fluids than normal.
There are route choices and has different endings, and while you may have a preferred heroine you won't regret unlocking the rest of CG. Also has some 2, 3 and 4 people secnes.